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The Guarantee Products

Our Quality for Your Safety

3 year warranty logo

3 Years
- Full Protection (Warranty XL)
- Full Protection Plus (Warranty XXL)
5 year warranty logo

5 Years
- Full Protection (Warranty XL)
- Full Protection Plus (Warranty XXL)

From 22 €
One-time payment for 36 months (3 years)
From 33 €
One-time payment for 60 months (5 years)

Coverage Table XL

green checkmark Mechanical force, implosion, or other effects under pressure
green checkmark Elemental damages, such as flooding, rockfall, storm, frost, overflow, avalanches
green checkmark Fire, lightning, explosions of all kinds, and damages caused by fire extinguishing
green checkmark Scorching and smoldering, smoke and soot due to external influences
green checkmark Indirect lightning strike
green checkmark Direct effects of electrical energy due to earth fault, short circuit, overvoltage, etc.
green checkmark Material and manufacturing defects
green checkmark Over- or undervoltage, electronic charging, electromagnetic interference


Coverage Table XXL

As Warranty XL Plus additionally includes:

green checkmark Burglary theft
green checkmark Theft
green checkmark Robbery
green checkmark Clumsiness (misoperation, fall, breakage) with deductible



The Recordcase warranty products offer comprehensive hardware protection for all devices that are provided with such a warranty at the time of purchase. By purchasing an additional warranty product, you secure benefits that go far beyond the manufacturer's warranty of the device.

The 36 or 60 months protection against material and manufacturing defects covers the costs if the protected device should become defective within the duration, i.e., suffers hardware damage for the mentioned reasons. Replacement parts and labor are already covered by the full protection.

The receipt with the device and warranty product serves as proof and entitlement for you to claim the services in case of hardware damage. The price for the respective warranty product is to be paid only once per device to be protected and is then valid for 36 or 60 months. Through cooperation with international insurance institutions, the warranty products additionally offer protection against further unforeseen, sudden damages or destruction of the protected hardware, applying the deductible rule described later.

You can view the complete terms and conditions HERE