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RedSound Soundbite Micro
€ 59,00 Prijzen incl. BTW
€ 59,00
Productinformatie "RedSound Soundbite Micro"
The Redsound Soundbite Micro. Audio/MIDI synchronizer to synchronize midi data, Ableton Live software etc.
With the size of a palm and battery-operated - the SoundBITE micro is an indispensable, portable remix tool for DJs!
The Loop Sampler section is based on the successful Soundbite XL, which allows the user to generate 24-bit loop samples (at 96kHz) in real time. All this can only be done by pressing a key and without skipping a beat. In addition, it is possible to automatically synchronize up to 4 loops with the same ease.
Up to now it has always been a tricky and time-consuming task to synchronize MIDI files. The SoundBITE micro automatically synchronizes audio and MIDI data to simplify and enhance your performance. Completely new possibilities arise.
In the heart of the Redsound SounBITE micro, Redsounds beats the well-known "BPM Analysis Engine" (extended V3 version for improved performance!), which is responsible for calculating the tempo. This allows the DJ to fully concentrate on mixing the loop samples and/or changing the settings on your MIDI device.
The SoundBITE micro integrates perfectly into any DJ/studio setup thanks to its simple operation and cabling, the compact Palm-size housing and the practical power supply via the included power supply unit or completely independent in battery operation.
The SoundBITE micro will definitely change your live performance or studio mix and one last thing: Don't be afraid of mistakes... the SoundBITE micro won't let them!
Features RedSound Soundbite Micro
- Sample rate / Conversion resolution: 96kHz / 24 bit
- Loop Polyphony: 4 loops (4, 8, 16, 32 beats)
- MIDI OUT: System real time clock transmitted (start, stop, continue, reset commands)
- MIDI IN: MIDI-merge.
- External filter effect control via continuous controllers (Freq = cc74) (Res = cc75)
- Pull/Push: manual synchronisation adjustment for loops/MIDI clock
- Effects: Low-Pass, High-Pass & Band-Pass analog style filter effects in 'straight-thru' mode.
- BPM range: 60 - 230BPM (3 ranges)
- Tri-colour LED: red/green/blue led multi-function indicator
- Connections: Audio input, Loops output, Headphone output, MIDI In, MIDI Out, AC charger/adapter input
- Power Supply: (included) 6vDC 800mA Output plug = 1mm centre pin + Battery:(included) Poliflex 3.7V ultra slim-line rechargeable battery
- Battery Life: up to 8 hours
Technical Data RedSound Soundbite Micro
- Dimensions: 135 x 51 x 14 mm
- Accessories (included): Connecting Cables (input:- 1 x 6.3mm Jack > 3.5mm Jack ), (output:- 1 x twin RCA >3.5mm Jack ), (MIDI 2 x 5 pin DIN > USB mini plug)
- Mounting kit
Siemensstr. 10
94405 Landau a.d. Isar
4 beoordelingen
18 februari 2019 17:38
23 december 2012 00:00
Cooles Teil im Westentaschenformat
Wer einen kleinen, supereasy zu bedienenden Looper sucht, der noch dazu per Akku betrieben werden kann, der wird hier fündig. Alle Kabel dies braucht sind auch dabei. Super Gerät!
16 maart 2011 00:00
Geiles Spielzeug
Der Meinung kann ich mich nur anschließen. Das Teil ist der Wahnsinn! Ableton für die Hosentasche. Das die Loop Synchronisation so gut funzt, hätte ich nicht gedacht... auch die Midi Synchronisation läuft hervorragend! Das Teil macht echt Spass, externe Synthies oder Sampler ansteuern, Loops aufnehmen - abspielen etc.! Mehr Effekte könnten drin sein, aber sonst nur zum empfehlen, eine tolles Tool für die kreative Erweiterung!
9 januari 2011 00:00
Cooler Effekt für kleines Geld
ich nutze zwar die Midi-Synchronisation nicht, aber die Loop-Sektion ist der Hammer! Super einfach und immer synchrone Loops von den verschiedensten Quellen. Ableton als Hardware-Version und im Pocket-Format. Und das ganze für unglaubliche 59,- Euro. Ich kann den Redsound Micro uneingeschränkt empfehlen.